Make-A-Wish Foundation of the Rio Grande Valley

Health Services
In office 8:30am - 5:30pm
Driving Directions:
Our physical office is in the Vantage Bank - 1801 S 2nd Street McAllen, Texas Suite 405 (4th floor)
About Us
Make-A-Wish Rio Grande Valley creates life changing wishes for children with critical illnesses in Cameron, Hidalgo, Willacy, Brooks, Kenedy, and Starr counties. Make-A-Wish RGV was founded in 1997 and is one of 58 chapters of Make-A-Wish America. Local children with critical illnesses are granted wishes to go, wishes to meet, wishes to have, wishes to be, and wishes to give. When a wish is granted, a child receives hope, joy, strength, and courage in their difficult daily battles. We are proud to serve our local children and give them the joy of childhood.