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Vacation Rental Management Association of South Padre Island (VRMA-SPI)

Vacation Rental Management Association of South Padre Island (VRMA-SPI)

Business Organization

About Us

Vacation Rental Management of South Padre Island (VRMA-SPI) is a local association of rental managers supporting the vacation rental industry on South Padre Island.

The primary goals of the Vacation Rental Management Association of SPI are:

*to increase public awareness of the value to the local economy of professionally managed vacation rental accommodations, through effective community communication
*to increase knowledge of the value of vacation rentals to the real estate community by providing realtor education
*to establish professional standards and become an example for others engaged in short term vacation rentals
*to proactively influence political action by reviewing existing STR ordinances and making recommendations for reasonable enforceable new or amended ones
*to help direct island marketing efforts through representation on the CVA Board and recommendations to the CVB Director
*to empower our members through business networking to hold irresponsible vacation rental owners/managers accountable to the community
*to increase HOT compliance by all short-term vacation rentals

Rep/Contact Info

Tom Goodman
Will Greenwood

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